Training calendar: Upcoming sessions are available


Alex Brewer
Senior Consultant
June 6, 2024
C-Risk - CRQ training upcoming sessions

Cyber Risk Quantification Training with C-Risk

Attend one of C-Risk's upcoming training sessions in the UK

Start your journey to better understand Cyber Risk Quantification or begin working towards becoming a FAIR-certified cyber risk analyst.

Gain a broad understanding of the FAIR taxonomy and analysis methodology. Learn how to scope risk scenarios, model scenarios using FAIR methodology, gather, analyze, and interpret data.

Introduction to CRQ for the Non-Practitioner

Learn the fundamentals of the quantification and the basics of the FAIR taxonomy and standard.

Next training sessions:

  • August 19th
  • September 23rd
  • October 14th
  • November 18th
  • December 2nd

CRQ using FAIR for Practitioners

Prepare for Open FAIR certification. Learn the fundamentals of quantification and then put the methodology to work with hands on scoping and quantitative analysis.
Next training sessions:

  • August 20th - 21st
  • September 25th & 27th
  • October 16th & 17th
  • November 20th & 21st
  • December 04th & 05th

Who will benefit from CRQ training?

Our Cyber Risk Quantification training courses are designed for risk and information security professionals as well as other internal and external stakeholders, including:

  • Risk managers
  • Security analysts
  • CFOs
  • CISOs and cybersecurity senior management
  • Executives and board members
  • IT and security professionals

Learn from FAIR-certified trainers, who will equip you with the knowledge and resources to better understand and communicate cyber and technology risk in financial terms.

More information in our training catalog.

Would you like to know more about C-Risk's CRQ training courses?

Learn how quantification can improve your infosec budget decisions and communication with critical stakeholders.